Every year in the state national natural park "Altyn-Emel" from March 22 to June, under the motto "Nature of the road, save the future!" is helding the Ecological action "March of parks"
The purpose of this action is:to attract the attention of the population, the public, public authorities, the media, entrepreneurs to the problems of specially protected natural territories and providing them with real practical assistance, environmental education of the population.
Within the framework of the shares will be held:
"Bird Day" "Earth Day", tree planting, "Clean Rivers - Clean Shores", "Clean Source"environmental patrols, marathons, lessons and lectures on environmental topics among students and pupils, environmental competitions among students, open day, as well as tours of the national park.
Ecological raids on a call for landscaping will also take place together with the organizers of the Akimat, hospital, school and kindergartens.
Also will be organized Round tables, environmental events and thematic exhibitions. The “March of Parks” is an international event that aims to support specially protected natural areas of protected areas around the world, and also in Kazakhstan. We invite you to participate in the environmental action.