Route No. 1
Baschi village (hotel "Altyn-Emel")- cordon (hotel) "Sagan - cordon "Mynbulak-stone stele "Oshaktas –wellspring "of Chokan Valikhanov - the natural monument "Singing sand dunes»
Check in through the office of SNNP in Baschi village
The length of the route (both ends) - 100km
The passage of time (with stops) and 3.5 hours
The distance between objects:
- S. Basshi – cordon (hotel) "Sagan" - 8 km;
- cordon (hotel) "Sagan" - cordon "Mynbulak" - 30km;
- stone stele "Oshaktas" - "Turanga grove" - 7 km;
- "Turanga grove" – wellspring of Chokan Valikhanov - 1.5 km;
- Well spring of Chokan Valikhanov - nature monument "Singing dunes" - 1.5 km;
- Nature monument "Singing sand dunes" - S. Basshi - 50km.
Route type - road / walking, year-round;
Availability of hotels on the route-2:
- "Altyn-Emel" hotel in Baschi village -12 places, Parking, 2-bed rooms, places for tents, 4 shower cabins, 4 toilets, room for food, kitchen, 3 meals a day, lunch boxes;
- "Sagan" hotel -9 places, among them 3 persons-1 room, 4 persons-1room, 2-bed -1 room, 2 shower cabins, 2-toilets, room for meals, cooking 3 meals a day
- "Shigan" cordon and "Mynbulak" have places for tents and a separate bed;
- Availability of places of rest and reception - 3
The route №2
"The post№1-border "Taigak" (2 hotels) – gorge "Terekty" (petroglyphs "Tanbalytas")- cordon "Gandagi" (hotel) – Saki mounds "Besshatyr»
Check-in-through Shengeldy village
The length of the route (both ends)-104 km;
The passage of time (with stops)-3h
The distance between the objects:
- "Post№1" - cordon (hotel) "Taigak" 7km;
- "Post№1" gorge "Terekty" (petroglyphs "Tablitas") – 17 km;
- petroglyphs "Tanbalytas" – cordon (hotel) "Gundagai" - 15km;
- cordon (hotel) "Gundagai" - Saki mounds "Besshatyr" - 18 km;
- Saki mounds "Besshatyr" - "Post № 1" - 40 km;
Route type - road /walking, year-round;
Availability of hotels on the route-3
- hotel "Taygak-1" -Parking, 8 seats (two 2-bed rooms with separate shower and toilet, one 4-bed room), dining room with bench, kitchen, 3 meals a day, independent power supply from the evening, gazebo.
- "Taigak-2"-Parking, 8 beds, (four 2-bed rooms),1 toilet, dining room with fireplace, kitchen, summer veranda, 3 meals a day, Autonomous power supply with an evening gazebo.
- the hotel "Zhantogai" -Parking 5 seats, toilet, shower, kitchen, dining room, bath (on request).
7 .The presence of resting places and food intake-3 ()"the Post№1" cordon "Taigak and Zhantogai").
Route No. 3
Baschi village ("Altyn-Emel" hotel) – "a 700 year-old willow" (Kordon", Kosbastau")- lava mountains of "Katutau" chalk mountains "Aktau»
Check-in via the SNNP office, in Basshi village
The length of the route (round trip) - 162km
The passage of time (with stops) -6,4 h
The distance between the objects:
- Bashi village (hotel "Altyn-Emel") - "700-year-old willow" (cordon "Kosbastau") - 32km;
- "700-year-old willow" ("Kosbastau" cordon) - lava mountains "Katutau" -35 km;
- lava mountains of "Katutau" chalks mountains of Aktau-35 km;
- chalk mountains "Aktau" – Baschi village-75km;
Route type - road / walking, year-round;
Availability of hotels on the route-1:
- hotel "Altyn-Emel" in the village of Basshi-12 places, Parking, 2-bed rooms, places for tents, 4 showers, 4 toilets, room for food, kitchen, TV, 3 meals a day, lunch boxes;
- on the cordon "Kosbastau" and in the place of rest under the mountains "Aktau" there are places for tents, self-cooking and lodging for the night
- The presence of resting places and eating-2 (Kordon", Kosbastau", places to stay under the mountains of Aktau).