In 2013, 8 scientific articles were published and 3 articles were put in print, which should be published in 2013
The following articles are published:
- Shakula V. F. Biotope distribution of rare ungulates in extreme winter conditions in the national Park "Altyn-Emel".(International conference "conservation of steppe and semi-desert ecosystems of Eurasia"). Theses. Kazakhstan, Almaty, 13-14 March 2013)..
- Khabibrakhmanov R. M. Finds rare predatory species in the state national natural Park "Altyn-Emel". (International conference "conservation of steppe and semi-desert ecosystems of Eurasia"). Theses. Kazakhstan, Almaty, 13-14 March 2013).
- Veselova P. V., Danilov M. P., kudabaeva G. M., khabibrakhmanov R. M. to floral and phytogenetic diversity of the ili basin within the territory of the SSPE " Altyn-Emel "(international scientific conference"study of Botanical diversity of Kazakhstan at the present stage"). Almaty, 2013)
- E. S. Andasbaev, A. K. Kenzhebekov B. G. Kanagatov, A. S. Shaimukhanbetova "Altyn-Emel", "Golu" national parks level of soil contamination with heavy metals. ("Search", a series of natural and technical Sciences No. 2/2013).
- E. S. Andasbaev, A. K. Kenzhebekov B. G. Kanagatov, O. Ajmani "Altyn-Emel", "Zhongar-Alatau state national pollution heavy metal ions in the surface solarni parks. ("Search", a series of natural and technical Sciences No. 2/2013).
- E. S. Andasbaev, A. K. Kenzhebekov B. G. Kanagatov.M.M. Mukhamedzhanova "Altyn-Emel" state national natural Park natural and climatic characteristics.("Search", series of natural Sciences and technics, №1 (1) /2012).
- E. S. Andasbaev, A. K. Kenzhebekov B. G. Kanagatov,A. M. Agelmenev "Altyn-Emel" MTP-dust of air-pollution by dust. ("Search", a series of natural and technical Sciences No. 2/2013).
- E. S. Andasbaev, A. K. Kenzhebekov B. G. Kanagatov.M.M. Mukhamedzhanova "Altyn-Emel" MTP-state components of the environment. ("Search", a series of natural and technical Sciences No. 3/2013).