Location - on the territory of SNNP “Altyn-Emel”
Capacity of hotel "Taigak" - parking,
8 places (two double rooms with separate shower and toilet, one 4-bed room),
dining hall with fireplace, autonomous power supply in the evening.
Location - Almaty region, Kerbulak district, Basshi village.
Capacity - 6 double rooms, 12 places, 12 beds, parking,
tents places, 4 showers, 4 toilets, kitchen, room for meals.
Location - on the territory of SNNP “Altyn-Emel”
Parking, 5 bed room, toilet, shower, kitchen, dining room.
Location - Almaty region, Kerbulak district, Basshi village.
Capacity - 9 seats, of which triple room - 1, room for 4 persons - 1, double room - 1, 2 showers, 2 toilets, room for meals and kitchen.